Favor – Disfavor?

Arbeitsumgebung eines Bodenkundlers in einem tiefen und breiten Bodenprofil - Copyright: Jessica Henkner Work environment of a pedologist in a deep and wide soil profile | © J. Henkner

Subproject B 02:
Favor – Disfavor? Resource Development in Marginal Spaces

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Knopf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Scholten, Dr. Peter Kühn

Dr. Jessica Henkner, Dr. Jan Johannes Miera

Baar, Black Forest, Swabian Alb

Why do people move from naturally convenient areas (favored spaces) to naturally inconvenient areas (unfavored spaces)?

The subproject ‚Favor – Disfavor? Resource Development in Marginal Spaces’ explores in two case studies the causes of such development processes and the connected movements into new areas. In regard to the resource soil, the ‚Altsiedellandschaft‘ at the Baar forms the favored space and is thereby the starting point for movements. These movements led to the naturally quite different inconvenient areas of the Black Forest and the Swabian Alb.

While one case study focuses primarily on pedological issues, the other deals with archaeological aspects.

More on this project