Neandertals and Modern Humans in Europe

Different raw materials for the production of stone artifacts from northern Burgundy | © M. Siegeris; Herkert et al. 2015: 165, Abb. 11.

B 01 Variability of Resource Use. Space Development by Late Neanderthals and Early Anatomically Modern Humans in Europe

Procet leadership:
Prof. Dr. Harald Floss, Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Ph.D.

Markus Siegris, Judy Yun Chang, Klaus Herkert

Swabian Alb and Burgundy

How did resource use differ from neanderthals and early modern humans? What contributed to the survival of some and the extinction of others?

The research area of the subproject ‚Variability of Resource Use. Space Development by Late Neanderthals and Early Anatomically Modern Humans in Europe’ comprises two regions: The Swabian Alb in Germany and Burgundy in France – both known for their evidence coming from middle and late Paleolithic ages. The project focuses on the economic and cultic use of resources by late neanderthals and early modern humans to compare their interactions with different resources. This will examine the factors that influenced the extinction of neanderthals and the survival success of early modern humans.

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