Rice in Social Structures

Reisgabe bei Totenritual - Copyright: Teilprojekt C06 Rice offering during death ritual | © Teilprojekt C06

C 06 Rice and Medicinal Plants. The Cultural Construction of Feeding and Healing Plants in South India.

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Alex

Justus Weiß, Heribert Beckmann

South India

Which role play the resources rice and medicinal plants in South Indian society?

Rice is the main crop in the alluvial areas of the South Indian river delta region. Medicinal plants in particular grow in the forests of the mountainous regions of South India. In the first examination of the project it is evident how rice economy and the products Paddy (unprocessed rice instantly after the harvest, used as seeds or bird feet) and rice are entangled in specific, historically grown meanings and social structures. The second study will focus on traditional practices necessary for the production of medicinal plants. It is also important to find out which concepts of nature, environment, effectiveness and sustainability determine the dealing with medicinal plants.

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