The Ground in Palestine during the Bronze and Iron Age

Archäobotanisches Emmer-Ährchen - Copyright: Teilprojekt A05 Archaeobotanical amelcorn-spikelets | © Teilprojekt A05

A 05 The land where Milk and Honey flow. Development of Agricultural Resources in Palestine during the Bronze and Iron Age

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Jens Kamlah, PD Dr. Simone Riehl

Marlen Bleiholder, Andrea Orendi, Valentina Tumolo

Southern Levant

How did people in ancient Palestine do agriculture and which crops were important for them in doing so?

By the use of two case studies the subproject ‚The land in Bronze and Iron Age Palestine‘ explores the agricultural resources of ancient Palestine with emphasis on agriculture. Resource cultures in Palestine were societies of the Bronze and Iron Age that distinguish themselves by dealing with agriculturally relevant resources. In addition to soil, water and plants, these are also knowledge and skills.

Besides various single studies the subproject also issued a central publication: ‚Atlas of Agriculture in Ancient Palestine‘.

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