Usage Patterns of Grounds During the Bronze Age

Bronzezeitliche Höhensiedlung Mesa Redonda zwischen Guadalquivirtal und Sierra Morena - ©Teilprojekt A02 Hilltop settlement Mesa Redonda during the Bronze Age between ‚Guadalquivir Valley‘ and the Sierra Morena | © Teilprojekt A02

A 02 Usage of the resource ground and sociocultural change on the Iberian Peninsula

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Martin Bartelheim, Prof. Dr. Roland Hardenberg

Dobereiner Chala-Aldana M. Sc., Dr. Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, Maike Melles M. A.

Iberian Peninsula

In the last three millenniums B.C. the social and cultural developments on the Iberian Peninsula varied strongly depending on the region. But what are the reasons for those differences?

The subproject ‚Usage of the Resource Ground and the Socio-Cultural Change on the Iberian Peninsula‘ examines to what extend the strong variations in terms of ground and climatic differences play a role in the distinct social and cultural development of various regions.

To figure this out two strongly related case studies for each era will be analyzed. The content of these case studies are different grounds with similar cultural context, but very distinct conditions regarding the individual locations. Thereby agriculturally privileged areas such as the ‚Guadalquivir Valley‘ are being compared to with different mountainous regions such as the close-by ‚Sierra Morena‘.

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