Jewelry for Power and Reputation

Goldener Armreif mit eingefasstem Rollsiegel aus Lapislazuli aus der Gruft VII von Qaṭna - Copyright: Julia Gergovich, Qaṭna-Projekt, Universität Tübingen Golden bracelet with cylinder seal made from lapis lazuli found in tomb VII of Qatna | © J. Gergovich, Qaṭna-Projekt, Universität Tübingen

A 04 Die Entwicklung der Palast-RessourcenKulturen Syriens The Development of the Palace-Resource Cultures of Syria

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Peter Pfälzner, Prof. Dr. Ernst Pernicka

Ivana Puljiz M. A.


In what way did materials and objects with symbolic content help with the preservation of power in Syrian micro- and middle states of the second millennium B.C.? Simply put: How to gain power through jewelry?

The subproject ‚The Development of Palace-Resource Cultures of Syria‘ aims to replace the traditional concept of palace economy with the model of palace-resource cultures. This new concept shows the allocation of materials and objects with symbolic content to preserve the power of rulers. The focus of the project is on the meaning of gold in such palace systems. Gold was used to strengthen political representation and communication. Consequently gold was a high-level and precious resource.

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