Societies, Settlement Areas and Cultural Identities

Tumuli der Banditaccia-Nekropole, Cerveteri - Copyright: Beat Schweizer Tumuli of Banditaccia-Necropole, Cerveteri | © B. Schweizer

C 03 Resources and the formation of societies, settlement areas and cultural identities on the Italian Peninsula during the 1st millennium B.C.

Project leadership:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schäfer

Dr. Beat Schweizer

Italian Peninsula

How do resources influence the formation and transformation of social groups and their identities?

The SFB 1070s specific concept of resources makes it possible to extend dominant research discourses with alternative explanations and new dimensions.

The subproject observes resource complexes concerning metals and farmable land in settlement areas by the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is dominated by Etruscan cities, and the ‘Magna Graecia’ with Greek settlements.

Necropolises, sanctuaries and settlement centers were examined in their particular contexts to investigate evaluations and cultural dimensions of resources in the scope of the formation and transformation of societies on the Italian peninsula in the 1st millennium B.C.

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